
Collage of words and shapesGrowing Give-N-Take Kids: Power Traits for Life™!

Growing “Give-N-Take Kids”: Power Traits for Life™ is all about empowering parents and educators to empower kids to receive and give respectfully.

•Find out how your child/student learns, works, and communicates best.
•Deal with school issues and gain the confidence to reframe labels such as ADD, learning disabled, slow, lazy, or “just average”.
•Strengthen communication among family/class members.
•Acknowledge and encourage the strengths and “power traits” of each family/group member and their unique contributions to the classroom, the family, the world.
•Facilitate classroom engagement, team building, and family harmony.

Follow us on Google Podcasts, Spotify, Breaker, Pocket Casts, Apple or Radio Public.

Also check out our services for parents, schools, and professional organizations:
– Self-Portrait™ Online Power Traits Assessments – aselfportraitonline.com
– Customized Home Schooling Program – solimaracademy.com
– School Consulting & Training – reflectiveed.com

C.A.R.E.S. Series Episode 1: What Are Give-N-Take Kids?
What are Give-N-Take Kids? What does it mean to “grow” Give-N-Take Kids? And how do we do it? In this episode we will answer these questions. And we will explore environments that allow kids to thrive by developing Give-N-Take attributes that follow them into adulthood and become their Power Traits for Life™!

C.A.R.E.S. Series Episode 2: Celebrate Your Child or Student
Children see themselves as we see them, and that is what they are going to believe. If we mostly see and point out their faults, they will see themselves as faulty, with nothing to share. If we see and CELEBRATE their strengths and abilities, they will see themselves as strong and gifted with lots to share. In this episode we will talk about ways to celebrate your children or students for who they are, with all of their uniqueness, and the gifts they bring to the family and community.

C.A.R.E.S. Series Episode 3: Accept Your Role as Your Child’s or Student’s Coach
We believe that our job as teachers and parents is to be Great Coaches – coaching young people to believe in themselves, to be confident in their own abilities and what they CAN do. This episode is all about how to bring out the stars in our children and students, and show them where they shine – one of the components for Growing Give-N-Take Kids and empowering them for life.

C.A.R.E.S. Series Episode 4: Respond Rather Than React
When things happen that are outside your comfort zone, and you’re feeling a lot of pressure, what do you do? This episode is about reactivity and responsiveness, the difference between the two, what brings them out in you, and how they affect your life and those around you. Learning to be responsive is a Give-N-Take attribute that results in a more peaceful, relaxed, and fun family and work life.

C.A.R.E.S. Series Episode 5: Expand Your View of What Motivates Your Child or Student
It’s hard to stop happy, satisfied people from trying to learn more about themselves and the world, or from feeling good about themselves when they’ve accomplished something. It’s not actually human nature to do as little as possible – that’s a sign that something is wrong. So what motivates young people? Rewards? Punishments? This episode is about how to provide an environment that stimulates motivation from the inside out – one more step toward Growing Give-N-Take Kids and giving them the gift of Power Traits for Life™.

C.A.R.E.S. Series Episode 6: Switch On Confidence
Leading with negative judgments, anxiety, and worry is a missed opportunity to connect with the hearts of children, their liveliness and passion for life. Accepting, supportive, confidence-building actions stimulate the release of hormones in the body and brain that lead to connection with others and a desire to engage in life, while anxious, critical, unsupportive actions stimulate the release of hormones that lead to fight or flight reactions. The question then becomes, what kinds of hormones do our actions release in our kids?

Turnaround Stories Episode 1: A Thinker in a Family of Athletes
Greg was having difficulties at school and also didn’t seem to fit in with his family. All of them were athletic, energetic, and noisy! Except for Greg. No one could understand why he didn’t want to go to game after game, why he became upset and edgy and crabby. Once they understood that he needed quiet, reflective time, time to just be alone with his thoughts, time to invent and create, a few simple changes were made. And then the magic started to happen! For more information or questions email us at info@learningsuccesscoach.com or visit aselfportraitonline.com, powertraitsforlife.com, reflectiveed.com

Turnaround Stories Episode 2: REAL Hands-On Learning with a Surprise Ingredient!
No matter what age the student is, the best, most authentic, long-term learning takes place when the student is allowed to experiment, make mistakes, and discover principles, concepts, and processes on his/her own. Find out what happens when a four-year-old is given a jar, a spoon, a funnel, and some millet! For more information or questions email us at info@learningsuccesscoach.com

Turnaround Stories Episode 3: Math Facts Lead to Planing for the Future
In this episode Victoria tells the story of a 4th grader who was having trouble memorizing the multiplication tables. She looked to his learning styles for clues to the best strategies to meet his learning needs. Find out how he went from being discouraged to tracking his own progress with enthusiasm! And, then, something unexpected happened – tune in to find out what! For more information or questions email us at info@learningsuccesscoach.com or visit aselfportraitonline.com, powertraitsforlife.com, reflectiveed.com

Turnaround Stories Episode 4: Multiple Turnarounds!
In this episode Victoria and Mariaemma tell several stories of students who struggled with reading, math, and writing – some to the point of tears. What’s the secret to their magnificent turnarounds? Find out! For more information or questions email us at info@learningsuccesscoach.com or visit aselfportraitonline.com, powertraitsforlife.com, reflectiveed.com

Turnaround Stories Episode 5: Where Are They Now?
In this episode Victoria and Mariaemma share stories of families who decided to homeschool because their children were sinking in traditional school. As soon as their learning needs were met they began thriving. It’s been several years now since these students graduated from high school – find out what amazing things they are doing now! For more information or questions email us at info@learningsuccesscoach.com or visit solimaracademy.com, aselfportraitonline.com, powertraitsforlife.com

Turnaround Stories Episode 6: Downshift or Uplift?
We have done several Turnaround Story episodes and they have all been about positive turnarounds. But there is another kind of turnaround that is not so positive – it is what we call the downshift turnaround. To illustrate, Victoria and Mariaemma share two poems – The Little Boy and Animal School. And then they share examples of uplifting turnarounds. For more information or questions email us at info@learningsuccesscoach.com or visit aselfportraitonline.com, powertraitsforlife.com, solimaracademy.com

Turnaround Stories Episode 7: From a Classroom Teacher & Principal
Today we have a guest sharing turnaround stories from traditional classrooms. Edie Lanphar brings years of education and experience as a classroom teacher and principal. In this episode she talks about the importance of providing emotional safety in any learning situation, and the value of teachers understanding the role of social-emotional learning and its effects on the brain’s ability to learn. She gives examples of how students respond when these concepts are in place and the focus is on learning strengths!
For more information or questions email us at info@learningsuccesscoach.com or visit aselfportraitonline.com, powertraitsforlife.com, reflectiveed.com

Learning Disabilities or Learning Strengths?
What is a learning disability? What is a learning strength? Are learning “disabilities” really hidden learning strengths? Why is it important to focus on strengths in the learning situation? Find out in this episode!
For more information or questions email us at  info@learningsuccesscoach.com or visit aselfportraitonline.com,  powertraitsforlife.com, reflectiveed.com

Learning Disabilities or Learning Strengths? Episode 2
Magic happens when students are looked at through the lens of different learning needs, instead of being given a learning disability label. The possibilities for students are endless when educators choose to focus on strengths: EVERYTHING changes and EVERY child thrives!
For more information or questions email us at info@learningsuccesscoach.com or visit aselfportraitonline.com, powertraitsforlife.com, reflectiveed.com

Learning Disabilities or Learning Strengths? Episode 3
What comes to mind when you hear, “Learning doesn’t have to hurt?” In this episode you will hear the story of a student who was encouraged to use her Verbal Modality strength when taking a test she didn’t think she could pass. She got a B!
For more information or questions email us at  info@learningsuccesscoach.com or visit aselfportraitonline.com,   powertraitsforlife.com, reflectiveed.com

How to Teach Kids to Read – What Does Dyslexia Really Mean?
There are so many misconceptions about learning to read. The very first misconception is that all kids need to begin early – as early as 3 or 4 years old! This is the very thing that causes problems for so many students and often results in eventually labeling a child dyslexic. Some students are just not developmentally ready that young and need to wait until they are 8 or 9 years old to BEGIN to learn to read! These students are usually Picture or Hands-On type learners who need specific step-by-step instruction and practice with Orton-Gillingham type methods. In other words, the majority of students won’t learn with the standard, uncorrelated  “reader/spelling workbook/phonics worksheet”  curriculum. In this episode Mariaemma discusses all this and more about how to make reading successful for all students.
For more information or questions email us at   info@learningsuccesscoach.com or visit aselfportraitonline.com, powertraitsforlife.com, reflectiveed.com

Celebrations & Gratitudes
In this episode Mariaemma discusses ways to honor and celebrate your children, your students, and any special people in your life. For questions, email Mariaemma – m@learningsuccesscoach.com

I Wish My Child’s Teacher Knew …
In this episode Mariaemma discusses how powerful it can be when teachers know what their students and their students’ parents wish they knew!
For more information or questions email us at  info@learningsuccesscoach.com or visit: powertraitsforlife.com, reflectiveed.com, solimaracademy.com

The Spontaneous Disposition
Do you know anyone who needs to move, move, move? Someone who isn’t into planning so much, can do things on the spur of the moment, thrives with adventure, or maybe is a natural “entertainer?” In this episode Mariaemma describes the Spontaneous Disposition characteristics, including learning needs, career ideas, and what they contribute to the family or group.
For more information or questions email us: info@learningsuccesscoach.com or visit powertraitsforlife.com, reflectiveed.com, solimaracademy.com

The Curious Disposition
Do you know someone who is always asking questions, wants to know how and why things work, likes to tinker, takes things apart and sometimes doesn’t put them back together, loves to experiment and discover, loses track of time when focused on a project? In this episode Mariaemma describes the Curious Disposition characteristics,  including learning needs, career ideas, and what they contribute to the  family or group.
For more information or questions email us:  info@learningsuccesscoach.com or visit aselfportraitonline.com, powertraitsforlife.com, solimaracademy.com

The Brain & Learning Part 1
Edie Lanphar is back with Mariaemma to discuss the connection between learning strengths and social-emotional learning. Knowing how to identify feelings, interests, values, and strengths leads to self-confidence, one of the key ingredients for successful learning AND life experiences. Teaching students how to regulate their emotions is also an important ingredient in the equation that leads to effective learning practices . Edie shares how crucial it is for parents and teachers to understand the important role emotions have—to either facilitate or hinder learning.
For more information or questions email us: info@learningsuccesscoach.com or visit aselfportraitonline.com, powertraitsforlife.com, solimaracademy.com

The Brain & Learning Part 2
In this episode Edie Lanphar and Mariaemma discuss the Neuroscience of Learning. When students are upset—frustrated, angry, sad, discouraged—a stress response occurs that tells the adrenals to release chemicals that affect the emotional regulation center of the brain. The brain then prepares to fight, flee, freeze, or fawn and the “thinking brain” basically goes off-line. Edie explains how this happens and how parents and teachers can model strategies for balancing the emotions, and get the thinking brain back online so that real learning can take place.
For more information or questions email us:   info@learningsuccesscoach.com or visit aselfportraitonline.com,  powertraitsforlife.com, solimaracademy.com

The Brain & Learning Part 3
Mariaemma is joined by special guests Dr. Phil Fitzsimmons and Edie Lanphar to discuss the Conditions for Learning. For more information or questions email us: info@learningsuccesscoach.com or visit aselfportraitonline.com, powertraitsforlife.com, solimaracademy.com

Literacy: The Reading/Writing Connection and Where It all Begins
Mariaemma is joined by special guests Edie Lanphar and Dr. Phil Fitzsimmons to discuss Literacy and the Reading-Writing Connection. Literacy begins at birth and the foundations for learning to read and write begin in the home. What happens next in classrooms is also crucial!
For more information or questions email us: info@learningsuccesscoach.com or visit aselfportraitonline.com, powertraitsforlife.com, solimaracademy.com

For Homeschoolers: Strengths-Based Learning in the Home Part 1   26 minutes
Today’s guest, Marianne Sunderland, is the mother of 7 children who have reading and learning difficulties when it comes to traditional schooling, and one child who is like her mom and thrives with traditional school work. Her website HomeschoolingwithDyslexia.com offers resources and encouragement to parents who homeschool “outside the box” learners.

Do you lack confidence in your homeschool program? Do you have lots of materials and curriculum that sit on a shelf because they just don’t work for your kids? Are you afraid that you are not doing the right things or that your child is missing out on important learning that might take place in the traditional school setting? In this 2-part series Marianne and Mariaemma discuss the benefits of creating a strengths-based learning program that allows your child to focus on his/her interests, talents, and passions, and meets learning needs specific to his/her Dispositions, Modalities, and Environment. With this approach confidence is instilled in both student and teacher (you), because it allows all students to thrive and develop to their fullest potentials, as they discover and apply their strengths in daily learning as well as goal-setting and career exploration.

For more information about Marianne go to https://homeschoolingwithdyslexia.com

To get the Self-Portrait™ Power Traits Assessment for your family use this link for $5.00 off each assessment: http://www.aselfportraitonline.net/store/default.asp?promo=LSAbunLife
For more information about Mariaemma and LearningSuccess™ Institute go to powertraitsforlife.com, solimaracademy.com, learningsuccessinstitute.com

For Homeschoolers: Strengths-Based Learning in the Home Part 2   36 minutes
See description for Part 1.

Relieving Homework Stress  12 minutes
Most kids dislike homework. They’ve been in school all day and now they are home and have to do more of the same. If it were up to us there would be little or no homework. However, since many students get homework here are a few learning style tips that could help relieve some of the stress – for kids and parents!

For more information or questions email us:  info@learningsuccesscoach.com or visit aselfportraitonline.com, powertraitsforlife.com, solimaracademy.com

Forced Homeschooling: How to relax and even enjoy it!   34 minutes
Because of the Coronavirus, many families are now in the third week of schooling at home. In this episode Mariaemma interviews educator Dawn Jackson, who is also the new owner/director of Solimar Academy, which was founded more than a decade ago by the LearningSuccess™ Institute. Dawn shares her expertise and passion for teaching and learning, with great tips for parents on how to relax, let go of fears, and enjoy the adventure!

For more information or questions: email dawn@solimaracademy.com or m@learningsuccesscoach.com or visit: solimaracademy.com, powertraitsforlife.com

School At Home Made Easier: Different Learners, Different Needs     26 minutes
Mariaemma & Victoria discuss the needs of different kinds of learners, as well as the importance of paying attention to the learner’s surroundings – such as sound – noise, quiet, music; body position – sitting, standing, reclining; type of lighting; and color. These things might sound trivial, but they can make a huge difference in a learner’s ability to focus, process, and learn. Applying strategies for various learning needs makes learning easier and more fun for students, parents, and teachers and in this episode, you will get lots of practical examples you can apply right now.
For more information or questions email us: info@learningsuccesscoach.com or visit aselfportraitonline.com,  powertraitsforlife.com, solimaracademy.com

School At Home Made Easier: Be F.I.T.T.T.   20 minutes
Victoria presents our LearningSuccess™ F.I.T.T.T. Principles to help school at home be easier and more fun.
To contact Victoria – victoria.hodson@sbcglobal.net, 805-701-0789
For more information or questions email us: info@learningsuccesscoach.com or visit aselfportraitonline.com, powertraitsforlife.com, solimaracademy.com

Identifying Feelings & Needs – What’s the Big Deal?   24 minutes
Victoria & Mariaemma discuss the importance of identifying feelings and needs to have more effective communication, improve relationships, and create more harmony. Victoria describes a tool that facilitates this process, called the No-Fault Game. For more information or questions contact Victoria at 805-701-0789 or victoria.hodson@sbcglobal.net, or visit http://thenofaultzone.com

Schooling & Learning – What’s the Difference?   19 minutes
Schooling is not the same as learning. In this episode Victoria and Mariaemma talk about the amazing opportunity parents have during the virus lock down to facilitate real learning in the home that is fun and engaging. These concepts and practical examples are just as valuable beyond the lock down, whether it’s helping with homework, home schooling, or applying these principles in the classroom.
For more information or questions: email info@learningsuccesscoach.com, call 805-648-1739 or visit powertraitsforlife.com

What About Summer School?   21 minutes
Do students really lose most of what they’ve learned during summer vacation? Is summer school a good idea or do students need a break? What are some valuable things students can do in the summer? For more information or questions: call 805-648-1739 or email info@learningsuccesscoach.com

Self-Care for Parents & Teachers   20 minutes
If you’ve been on an airplane you’ve heard the instruction, “In case of emergency put your oxygen mask on first, then help your child or others.” Self-Care is like putting your oxygen mask on first. Victoria and Mariaemma discuss: 1) the importance of parents and teachers taking care of themselves by making sure they get their own needs met; 2) the value of modeling self-care for young people.

The Game Curriculum Part 1   27 minutes
Did you know that it takes  about 400 repetitions to create a new synapse in the brain unless it is done with play, in which case it takes only 10-20 repetitions! (stated by the late Dr. Karyn Purvis, co-founder of the Karyn Purvis Institute of  Child Development at Texas Christian University). In this episode Mariaemma talks with guests Carolyn & Martin Forte about their Game Curriculum. Carolyn & Martin are the owners of Excellence in Education Resource Center. A former public school teacher, Carolyn often used games to teach her students in the classroom and her own daughters at home. She created the Game Curriculum for those students who learn best when they are having fun and have materials that provide movement and hands-on activities. You, too, can add fun AND efficiency to learning through the power of play! Check out gamecurriculum.com or call Carolyn or Martin for questions or advice at 626-821-0025.

Also, use their discount link to purchase the Self-Portrait™ Power Traits Assessment – for $5.00 off the regular price – to find out how YOUR kids or students learn best! https://aselfportraitonline.net/store/default.asp?promo=EIE100

For more information or questions about LearningSuccess™ Institute and Power Traits for Life: email Mariaemma – m@learningsuccesscoach.com, call 805-648-1739 or visit powertraitsforlife.com 

The Game Curriculum Part 2   40 minutes
See description above under Game Curriculum Part 1

F.I.T.T. Series Episode 1: Focus on Solutions     25 minutes
Join Mariaemma & Victoria as they discuss the value of focusing on solutions. When you practice solution-focus, your kids learn how to problem-solve from you. Their confidence will grow as they realize that they can learn from mistakes and affect outcomes. Solutions offered by kids are solutions they are willing to try and to support – so always involve them in problem solving issues that involve them. Interactions that are focused on solutions bring out the best in the individual, the family, or any group. For more information or questions: email m@learningsuccesscoach.com or call 805-648-1739.

F.I.T.T. Series Episode 2: Identify Goals       24 minutes
Join Victoria & Mariaemma as they discuss the value of identifying goals – for yourself, your kids, your family, your school, your group! Kids who have goals and can imagine a positive future are more eager learners than young people who are discouraged and don’t see possibilities for themselves. Learn some of the ways to encourage goal-setting and the importance of breaking big goals into small, do-able steps. For more information or questions: email m@learningsuccesscoach.com, call 805-648-1739.

F.I.T.T. Series Episode 3: Take the Pressure Off    19 minutes
When kids feel overwhelmed and under pressure, they are not able to focus on learning because they are preoccupied with fears of failure. For some students these feelings are the result of not being ready developmentally for a certain concept, or for the next stage of an academic skill. For others, it might be various circumstances, such as the COVID epidemic we are experiencing at this time, or a combination of circumstance and developmental readiness. Victoria and Mariaemma discuss how to take the pressure off to relieve anxiety and stress and promote healthier, more positive situations for the kids, parents, and teachers!  For more information or questions: call 805-648-1739

F.I.T.T. Series Episode 4: Track Successes    23 minutes
In this episode Victoria and Mariaemma discuss the value and importance of tracking successes rather than failures. Tracking successes leads to increased motivation, confidence, and focus. People who learn to track their own successes experience how uplifting this is, spurring them on to setting goals for their next accomplishments. This is true for the kids and for the adults who care for them! For more information or questions: call 805-648-1739

Back to School: Small Environment Changes That Make a Big Difference!    15 minutes
Lighting, Sound, Color, Body Position – they all matter and can greatly affect the ability to focus, learn, and get work done. Whether we are talking about students at home or on campus, or adults on the job, we need to pay attention to these four elements if we want to maximize learning as well as productivity. In this episode, Mariaemma gives simple options for making the best use of these environmental influences.

What Has COVID Taught Our Kids and What Are Our Kids Teaching Us? Part 1   30 minutes     Part 2   32 minutes

How is the pandemic affecting our kids and us? What are the negative effects? Are there any positive effects? What can we do to lessen the negative effects and promote mental health and well-being for ourselves and our kids, during this difficult time?

Edie Lanphar joins me, Mariaemma, in discussing this important topic. Edie is Director of Curriculum & Instruction at The Knox School of Santa Barbara. Her background includes special education, social-emotional learning, and family dynamics, as well as classroom teacher, principal, and curriculum developer for preschool – college. She can be contacted at e.lanphar@knoxschoolsb.org  For more information or questions contact me, Mariaemma Willis at 805-648-1739, m@learningsuccesscoach.com or visit schoolathomemadeeasier.com

Effects of Trauma on Learning & Behavior    38 minutes
Do kids experience trauma or can they just shake off scary experiences? What kinds of trauma do kids experience? Can changes in behavior and learning be signs of trauma? How can we best help our kids process and move on from traumatic experiences? And is it possible for a child to have experienced trauma without the adults around him/her realizing it? Edie Lanphar joins me, Mariaemma, in discussing this important topic.  Edie is Director of Curriculum & Instruction at The Knox School of  Santa Barbara. Her background includes special education,  social-emotional learning, and family dynamics, as well as classroom  teacher, principal, and curriculum developer for preschool – college.  She can be contacted at e.lanphar@knoxschoolsb.org or for more information or questions contact me, Mariaemma Willis, at 805-648-1739, m@learningsuccesscoach.com or visit schoolathomemadeeasier.com

The Magic of Focusing on Interests: Our #1 Motivators    11 minutes
Interests are our #1 Motivators yet adults often used them as punishment. What do I mean by that? Have you ever heard a parent or teacher take away a child’s interest until they improve in a school subject? For example, Memorize the math facts and you can go back to art classes. No dancing until your spelling improves. Bring your grades up if you want to play tennis. But we never hear anything like, NO SPELLING until your dancing improves or You CAN’T DO MATH until tennis improves! Mariaemma discusses how to use Interests, not only to boost motivation and self-confidence, but also to improve academic skills. For more information or questions: email m@learningsuccesscoach.com, call 805-648-1739, or visit schoolathomemadeeasier.com

Anxiety Free Testing    10 minutes
Is this even possible? Mariaemma shares how to make it happen! For more information or questions: email m@learningsuccesscoach.com, call 805-648-1739, or visit schoolathomemadeeasier.com

Solution Focus vs Blame Focus – What’s the Difference?    8 minutes
Solution-focused kids are much more likely to feel capable in any situation, including learning, while blame-focused kids are often afraid, withdrawn, resistant, or rebellious. Kids who are raised with solution-focused problem solving instead of consequences or punishment develop the ability to keep going in the face of setbacks. Find out how to be a solution-focused model for your children and/or students! Adapted from the book, Discover Your Child’s Learning Style by Willis & Hodson. For more information or questions: email m@learningsuccesscoach.com, call 805-648-1739, or visit schoolathomemadeeasier.com

Talking in Class – It’s Essential for Learning    40 minutes
When adults meet in a class or group it is understood that time is needed for greeting each other, for processing information through discussion and questioning, and for conversations that facilitate the application of learning to the participants’ lives. These activities keep adult learners engaged.Well, young people need this, too! Mariaemma and guest Edie Lanphar discuss the importance of making time for these conversations in the classroom or homeschool, and they share ideas for making it happen. Not only do these activities increase student engagement – they also lead to deeper learning.

Edie is a social-emotional, learning, and behavioral coach who has changed the lives of countless students and their families over the years. She focuses on improving and enhancing relationships between young people, their parents and teachers, in the classroom and at home. She is available for school and family consultations, relationship coaching, workshops, and seminars. For questions, contact Edie at 805-459-0853 or elanphar@gmail.com. Or contact Mariaemma Willis at 805-648-1739, m@learningsuccesscoach.com or visit schoolathomemadeeasier.com

The Impact of Feelings & Needs in the Classroom    54 minutes
A couple of months ago Edie Lanphar and I (Mariaemma) did an episode called Talking in Class – It’s Essential for Learning. The topic of feelings and needs came up toward the end and we promised to do a follow-up to continue that conversation.

Students come to the classroom – or homeschool – with various needs (as do the adults!), depending on what is going on in their circumstances. For real learning to take place – both academically and emotionally – it is critical to keep in mind the importance of exploring those needs, the feelings those needs bring up, and their impact on behavior and learning. The feelings and needs tool we discuss in this episode is called the No-Fault Zone Game and is available at: http://thenofaultzone.com

Edie is a social-emotional, learning, and behavioral coach who has changed the lives of countless students and their families over the  years. She focuses on improving and enhancing relationships between young people, their parents and teachers, in the classroom and at  home. She is available for school and family consultations, relationship  coaching, workshops, and seminars. For questions, contact Edie at  805-459-0853 or elanphar@gmail.com.Or contact Mariaemma Willis at 805-648-1739, m@learningsuccesscoach.com or visit schoolathomemadeeasier.com

Turning a Space into a Place: How to Create Your Most Productive Environment?    43 minutes
Imagine working and learning where you feel safe, comfortable, and inspired. Having the freedom, the insight, and the courage to design a place to do your best learning and work. A place, where you will lose track of time, dive deeper into your task with no desire to make excuses to avoid your work.

In this episode, Terri Novacek of Element Education, speaks with Mariaemma Pellulo-Willis, co-author of the book Discover Your Child’s Learning Style and co-founder of the LearningSuccess™ Institute. They talk about the Power Traits assessment and their focus is on environment. They discuss how one can turn a space into a place that fits your personality, gives you a sense of connection, and a good vibe that helps you do your best work.

Mariaemma is the guest speaker on this Element is Everything podcast. For more information or questions: email m@learningsuccesscoach.com, call 805-648-1739, or visit schoolathomemadeeasier.com

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